Eilaktion: Erneut Trans*Aktivistin in Honduras ermordet
Eilaktion zur Aufklärung des Verbrechens und zum Schutz von LGBTI*Menschenrechtsverteidiger_innen

Honduras – Killing of LGTBI rights defender Paola Barraza
On 24 January 2016, human rights defender Ms Paola Barraza was assassinated by unknown attackers in front of her house in the neighbourhood of Lempira, in Comayaguela.
Paola Barraza, a trans woman, was a member of the board of directors of Asociación LGTB Arcoíris (LGTB Rainbow Association), an organisation which works for equality and equity for the lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex (LGTBI) community in Honduras.
The human rights defender was at home on 24 January 2016 when, at approximately 8pm, unknown persons knocked at her door and called her outside. When Paola Barraza answered the door she was fired upon five times. She was shot three times in the head and twice in the chest, and died at the scene as a result of her wounds. The killing was reported to the authorities charged with investigating crimes against members of the LGTBI community, however, as of 27 January 2016, no investigator had been assigned to the case.
Paola Barraza was previously attacked in connection with her LGTBI rights work on 15 August 2015. She was shot numerous times by unknown men in the vicinity of Asociación LGTB Arcoíris offices. She was seriously injured in the attack.
The Asociación LGTB Arcoíris has continued to operate in Honduras in spite of increasingly extreme levels of violence faced by LGTBI rights defenders. Between 23 June 2015 and 31 August 2015, three LGTBI rights defenders working in country were killed, with several more subjected to physical assault, intimidation and threats.
Front Line Defenders strongly condemns the killing of human rights defender Paola Barraza, and expresses its deep concern at the climate of extreme violence facing defenders of LGTBI rights in Honduras.
Please take action on human rights defenders in Honduras.
Please copy the letter and forward it to the address provided.
Target adresses:
President of Honduras
Sr. Juan Orlando Hernandez
Casa Presidencial, Barrio las Lomas
Boulevard Juan Pablo II,
Email: ygarcia@presidencia.gob.hn
Fax: +504 22905088
Anmerkung des Öku-Büros:
Da die mail-Adresse des Präsidenten schnell blockiert zu werden pflegt, empfehlen wir, den unten stehenden Brief (englische oder spanische Version) auch an die folgenen Instanzen zu schicken. Mehrere alternative Adressen erhöhen die Chance "durchzukommen":
Generalstaatsanwalt Oscar Chinchilla Banegas,
Vizeministerin für Justiz und Menschenrechte Karla Cueva Aguilar,
Ombudsmann für Menschenrechte Roberto Herrera Caceres
Estimado Fiscal General de Honduras, señor Oscar Fernando Chinchilla Banegas,
Estimada Viceministra de Justicia y DDHH, señora Karla Cueva,
Estimado Comisionado Nacional de DDHH, abogado Roberto Herrera Caceres
Bitte unbedingt Kopien an die honduranische Botschaft in Berlin schicken:
Musterbriefe von frontlinedefenders:
Your Excellency,
On 24 January 2016, human rights defender Ms Paola Barraza was assassinated by unknown attackers in front of her house in the neighbourhood of Lempira, in Comayaguela.
Paola Barraza, a trans woman, was a member of the board of directors of Asociación LGTB Arcoíris (LGTB Rainbow Association), an organisation which works for equality and equity for the lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex (LGTBI) community in Honduras.
The human rights defender was at home on 24 January 2016 when, at approximately 8pm, unknown persons knocked at her door and called her outside. When Paola Barraza answered the door she was fired upon five times. She was shot three times in the head and twice in the chest, and died at the scene as a result of her wounds. The killing was reported to the authorities charged with investigating crimes against members of the LGTBI community, however, as of 27 January 2016, no investigator had been assigned to the case.
Paola Barraza was previously attacked in connection with her LGTBI rights work on 15 August 2015. She was shot numerous times by unknown men in the vicinity of Asociación LGTB Arcoíris offices. She was seriously injured in the attack.
The Asociación LGTB Arcoíris has continued to operate in Honduras in spite of increasingly extreme levels of violence faced by LGTBI rights defenders. Between 23 June 2015 and 31 August 2015, three LGTBI rights defenders working in country were killed, with several more subjected to physical assault, intimidation and threats.
I strongly condemn the killing of human rights defender Paola Barraza, and express deep concern at the climate of extreme violence facing defenders of LGTBI rights in Honduras.
I urge the authorities in Honduras to:
Carry out an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the assassination of human rights defender Paola Barraza, with a view to publishing the results and bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards;
Publicly condemn the killing of human rights defender Paola Barraza;
Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity and security of the members of Asociación Arcoíris and all LGTBI human rights defenders in Honduras;
Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Honduras are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.
Target adresses:
Presidente de Honduras
Sr. Juan Orlando Hernandez
Casa Presidencial, Barrio las Lomas
Boulevard Juan Pablo II,
Correo electrónico: ygarcia@presidencia.gob.hn
Fax: +504 22905088
El 25 de enero de 2016, la defensora de derechos humanos Sra. Paola Barraza fue asesinada por personas no identificadas en frente de su hogar en el barrio de Lempira, en Comayaguela.
Paola Barraza, defensora trans, era miembro de la junta de la Asociación LGTB Arcoíris, una organización que trabaja por igualdad y equidad para las comunidades lesbiana, gay, trans, bisexual e intersexual (LGTBI) en Honduras.
El 24 de enero de 2016, aproximadamente a las 20:00, la defensora de derechos humanos estaba en su casa cuando personas no identificadas tocaron la puerta y le pidieron que saliera. Cuando Paola Barraza abrió la puerta, le dispararon tres veces en la cabeza y dos veces en el pecho. Ella murió en la escena del ataque como resultado de sus heridas. Se informó del asesinato a las autoridades encargadas de investigar crímenes contra miembros de la comunidad LGTBI, sin embargo, hasta el 27 de enero de 2016, todavía no se había designado un investigador para el caso.
Paola Barraza había sido atacada anteriormente en conexión con su trabajo por los derechos LGTBI. El 15 de agosto de 2015, hombres no identificados le dispararon varias veces en las proximidades de las oficinas de la Asociación LGTB Arcoiris. Sufrió lesiones graves en dicho ataque.
La Asociación LGTB Arcoiris ha seguido actuando en Honduras a pesar de crecientes niveles de violencia extrema contra los defensores y las defensoras LGTBI. Entre el 23 de junio de 2015 y el 31 de agosto 2015, tres defensores y defensoras LGTBI fueron asesinados en el país y varios más fueron agredidos físicamente y objeto de intimidación y amenazas.
Manifiesto mi firme condena por el asesinato de la defensora de derechos humanos Paola Barraza, a la vez que expreso mi profunda preocupación por el clima de violencia extrema enfrentado por los defensores y las defensoras LGTBI en Honduras.
Por todo lo expuesto, insto a las autoridades hondureñas a que:
1. Inicien una investigación inmediata, exhaustiva e imparcial sobre el asesinato de Paola Barraza con el fin de identificar a los responsables, llevarlos ante un tribunal competente e imparcial, y aplicarles las sanciones previstas por la ley;
2. Condenen públicamente el asesinato de la defensora de derechos humanos Paola Barraza;
3. Tomen todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar en todo momento la integridad física y psicológica de los miembros de la Asociación LGTB Arcoíris y todos los defensores y las defensoras LGTBI en Honduras;
4. Aseguren que todos los defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos en Honduras, en el desarrollo de sus actividades legítimas en defensa de los derechos humanos, puedan operar libremente sin miedo a restricciones ni represalias.